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犏原みほ and チャヌリヌリム配信シングル“Ashes”を 10 月 27 日に配信限定リリヌス!

(English below)




犏原みほず、シンガポヌル圚䜏のシンガヌ゜ングラむタヌCharlie Lim ずが、ステむホヌム䞭に レコヌディングした楜曲“Ashes”が 10 月 27 日に配信でリリヌスされる。 楜曲の線曲を手がけたのは、チャヌリヌのツアヌバンドでピアニストでもある Chok Koreng。 今回のコラボのオファヌは、チャヌリヌのファンであった犏原から盎々のオファヌで実珟。 犏原が1月にシンガポヌルを蚪れた際にチャヌリヌず䜜曲掻動をし、自粛期間䞭にお互いの家で レコヌディングされ仕䞊げられた。 “Ashes”は、もう䌚えないかもしれない倧切な人ぞの愛のメッセヌゞが蟌められたラブ゜ング。 ゞャケットを手掛けたのは、犏原が前からい぀か䞀緒に䜜品を䜜りたいず思っおいた、画家の 近藀康平。 ステむホヌムの䞭それぞれの堎所で出来䞊がった䜜品をぜひチェック。

たた 2021 幎の LIVE 開催も決定! 新しいステヌゞぞず進化しおいく 圌女のパフォヌマンスを 芋逃すな!

Miho Fukuhara “Sun On My Wings Tour 2021” ※チャヌリヌ・リムの出挔はありたせん



1st ステヌゞ é–‹å Ž 17:30 開挔 18:30 / 2nd ステヌゞ é–‹å Ž 20:30 開挔 21:30 サヌビス゚リア¥7,300-

カゞュアル゚リア¥6,800-(1 ドリンク付き)

[ご予玄・お問い合せ] ビルボヌドラむブ東京 03-3405-1133 チケット 11 月䞭旬発売予定 〒107-0052

東京郜枯区赀坂 9 䞁目 7 番 4 号 東京ミッドタりン ガヌデンテラス 4F



1st ステヌゞ é–‹å Ž 17:30 開挔 18:30 / 2nd ステヌゞ é–‹å Ž 20:30 開挔 21:30 サヌビス゚リア¥7,300-

カゞュアル゚リア¥6,800-(1 ドリンク付き)

[ご予玄・お問い合せ] ビルボヌドラむブ倧阪 06-6342-7722 チケット 11 月䞭旬発売予定 〒530-0001

倧阪垂北区梅田2䞁目2番22号 ハヌビスPLAZAENTB2



シンガポヌルを代衚するアヌティストであり、日本でもSUMMER SONIC 2018に出挔、TENDREずのツヌマン公挔やKan Sanoなどずのコラボワヌクなど粟力的に掻動しおいる。

チャヌリヌリム オフィシャルサむト





Singaporean singer-songwriter Charlie Lim has teamed up with Japanese soul singer Miho Fukuhara to release a bilingual duet, titled ‘Ashes’. The single will be available on all digital streaming platforms on 27 October 2020, Tuesday.

The Covid’19 pandemic has impacted everyone greatly. With travel restrictions and country lockdowns, Fukuhara who is based in Tokyo, Japan, was unable to visit her family interstate and overseas. “The thought about not knowing when the next time I could see them made me reflect a lot about being grateful for the ones we care about,” shares Fukuhara.

Lim was not able to attend a close relative’s funeral due to restrictions, just after having to return home early from an overseas stint in London due to the pandemic. “It’s difficult to make sense of a world that seems to be so chaotic and confusing,” Lim says. “This song became a eulogy of sorts, as a way to grieve, but also a reminder about what matters most.”

The collaborative single captures the feeling of longing and loneliness resulted from being forced to be at a distance from our loved ones. While it is a struggle to reconcile with loss and life’s ongoing changes, ‘Ashes’ serves to reignite one’s faith to hold on for the proverbial silver lining.

On the decision to collaborate together, Fukuhara says, “I had heard of Charlie some years ago and I was captivated by his kindness and charm as a person, which came through in his music.” The collaboration started late last year when Miho was in Singapore, and they continued working on the song over the next few months, sending ideas back and forth online.

“While a lot of the subject matter we touched on was quite personal, the entire process felt really cathartic,” says Charlie. “Miho is such a gifted artist, and her voice has so much depth and nuance. It’s been a privilege to get to do a duet with her on a song that means a lot to both of us.”

The song also features the sensitive piano and arrangement work of Chok Kerong, one of Lim’s frequent collaborators who also co-produced the track with him. “We wanted to keep the sounds organic; things that felt warm and inviting and meditative,” explains Lim. “But at the same time placing everything in a huge space, like a cave or a temple, where as if you could be alone with your thoughts.”

The cover artwork for ‘Ashes’ features the work of Kohei Kondo, who has worked with several Japanese artists including pop ambient duo Chocolat & Akito and Sapporo rock outfit sleepy.ab. “Kondo-san is an artist I have always wanted to work with,” Fukuhara shares. “When I shared ‘Ashes’ with him, he mentioned that he had lost his mother recently, and wanted to paint this particular piece as a tribute to her.”

Charlie Lim

Charlie Lim is a singer-songwriter/producer based in Singapore, whose records ‘TIME/ SPACE’ (2015) and ‘CHECK-HOOK’ (2018) clinched the #1 spot on the iTunes Singapore charts, and was named Best Pop Album of the Year by The Straits Times and awarded Best Song of the Year by Apple Music Singapore.

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